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We are operating a telephone first system for GP appointments at this time. Please ring the surgery before 11 am and we will do our best to get the GP on duty to return your call on the same day. You will be asked for a brief reason for the call back and a contact number. If necessary, the GP will arrange a face to face appointment directly with you. If the telephone list is full for that day your name will be added to the following days list.

Repeat prescriptions can be requested online or by leaving a message on the answer facility.

General Practice Multi-Disciplinary Teams

To complement the existing staff within GP practices, the new practice roles have been created:

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

First Contact Physiotherapist

Social worker and Assistant

Mental health practitioner

You can book an appointment with any of these services directly with reception, without first seeing your GP.

For more information on each of their roles, please go to clinics and services or alternatively  pick up a leaflet at the surgery.

Below is a link to a short video relating to our new multidisciplinary teams.

Missed Appointments

please give at least 24 hours notice to cancel an appointment so that the appointment can be used by another patient.

Do I Need an Antibiotic?

I’m sure you cannot have escaped the drive to control the use of antibiotics and limit their use to conditions caused by bacteria rather than virus infections. Viral illness are common, cause symptoms which can be very distressing and result in time lost from work or school. Importantly, they do not respond to antibiotics and have a natural course before your body’s immune system combats the virus.

Click the link below for information leaflets on this matter.

Practice Boundary

  • The Practice Boundary as from 12th December 2018 is a 6 mile radius from the practice.
  • Patients registered with the Practice prior to this date who reside outside this radius will NOT be removed from the Practice list until such time that they move to a new address outside the practices new boundary area. Only then will patients be advised to seek registration with an alternative Practice and be removed from the Practice list.


New guidelines regarding the storage and maintenance of information came into force on 25th May 2018 (GDPR).  Please find attached further information on how Causeway Surgery handle and maintain your records and data.


New GDPR Privacy Notice

Holiday Vaccinations

Dr Gilpin no longer offers a holiday vaccinations service.  A number of local pharmacy colleagues do offer a service or an online search can be made for specialist travel clinics.

Friends and Family Test

This is a survey for registered patients to offer feedback. If you are registered at the practice please take a moment to complete it. You can access this survey in the "Have your say" section on the right hand side of this page.

Patient Survey

If you are a registered patient at the surgery we would welcome any feedback. Please complete the patient survey, found in the online services at the bottom of the page.

Self-referral to maternity services

Congratulations on your pregnancy! You can now self refer directly to the midwife for further care:

South Eastern Trust (For Downe, Lagan Valley and Ulster Hospitals):

Maternity - South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust (

Southern Trust (For Daisy Hill and Craigavon Hospitals):

Maternity services | Southern Health & Social Care Trust (

Self-referral for Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

You can self-refer for physiotherapy. Please also consider speaking to the First Contact Physiotherapist at the surgery.

The service is for patients over 16 years with a musculoskeletal problem, who live and are registered with a GP within the South Eastern Trust area.  You will be able to self-refer to the outpatient physiotherapy services using a number of different formats:-

- paper referral which can be obtained from your GP reception.

- Download and print a pdf referral form from the SET website.

- Complete an e-referral form which can be submitted online.  This form can be found at

Bowel Screening

A new video about what happens at bowel screening has been produced by the Public Health Agency. It covers how to take the test, processing the samples at the laboratory, receiving your results and being called back to colonoscopy. It is hoped the video will help clear up confusion about how to take the test and clarify the process. The video is also available in British and Irish sign language and subtitled.

The video is on the Northern Ireland Cancer Screening Programmes website at the following link:

Causeway Surgery

With patient’s needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations. Please be aware that some of these links may direct you to NHS webpages with information more applicable to other parts of the UK. The Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland (HSC) have some information available online but the information available is not as comprehensive as the (English) NHS sites. We will try to update links appropriately as information is available.

Get Well, Keep Well

Of course we’re not just here for when you are unwell. Our team of healthcare professionals and back-up staff offer a number of clinics and services to promote good health and wellbeing whatever your medical condition.


This practice provides disabled access and toilets. Baby changing facilities and a hearing loop are also available.

(Site updated 21/03/2025)
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